A Declaration of Liberty for the 21st Century

A Declaration of Liberty for the 21st Century

(NOTE to Readers: This article was first published August 17, 2024, before the 2024 election. Although President Trump’s victory was a step in the right direction, many obstacles to liberty still exist in the United States; there is enormous fraud, widespread misinterpretation of the US Constitution, and many in Washington DC playing power politics behind…

The New Culture War

The New Culture War

The historian Yuval Noah Harari has written a thought-provoking book called “Sapiens” which makes certain assumptions about the early history of humanity as a biological species. The central defining feature of our species Sapiens, says Harari, is that we are not only capable of inventing and believing fiction, but that the entire life and history…

KET Provides Soviet-Style “Propaganda Night” for Incumbent Secretary of State Michael Adams

KET Provides Soviet-Style “Propaganda Night” for Incumbent Secretary of State Michael Adams

On Monday, May 8, 2023, just 8 days from the primary election, Kentucky’s public television network KET put on a Soviet-style primetime softball interview of the incumbent Secretary of State Michael Adams. Most likely at Adams’ request, no debate invitation was offered to the other candidates running against Adams in the Republican primary. KET thus…

Re-establishing Liberty and Integrity in Kentucky

Re-establishing Liberty and Integrity in Kentucky

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin As we start a new month here in Kentucky, with an eye toward the 2023 statewide primary elections May 16, we are reminded that the major party bosses do not prioritize…

Integrity, The Pillar for Governance

Integrity, The Pillar for Governance

The Premise The founders of the United States of America believed that there is a necessary role for a strictly-limited governance. The purpose of such governance is to secure individual rights. While not anarchists, the Founders understood that governmental power tends to overstep its rightful limits, such that checks on power and balances across different…