Why the need to Focus on Kentucky?

by Barefoot RINO Hunter

In 1781 the United States ratified the Constitution. Thirteen individual States are bound by a federal document. Then, to be a state, was the equivalent of France or Great Britain. Yes, we were American, but we all identified with state pride. We were Kentuckians. This mentality stretched beyond the Civil War, and it helped to uphold the personal freedom of each citizen. With each passing year, more and more state and individual powers are stripped away. This creates overreach at the federal government. This is not what our founding fathers intended. To make the most change in our daily lives, we need to take back the power at our state level and place liberty-minded citizens in our state ranks. 

Our interaction with the state government is a daily occurrence. We elect officials who create and pass the guidelines on how the state should run. This affects entities such as the state IRS, schools, roadways, and emergency personnel. We pray that the principles these elected officials portrayed during the election process represent the way they will vote. In the Tenth Amendment of our Federal Constitution, “all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people.” The Constitution requires all states to uphold a representative form of government. We elect the officials to serve us and represent our needs and desires as a state. 

Therefore we need to hold our politicians to a high standard. In Kentucky, we recently have seen many career RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) become elected and stay in office until they have overstayed their welcome. They continually vote on issues, NOT representing the views of their Kentucky constituents. These RINOs vote to line the pockets of themselves or the organizations, that helped them pour propaganda on Kentuckians. We need to elect officials that will bring the changes that we need to see occur in Kentucky. We need to elect officials we trust. If we complete this goal, we will see changes trickle up the chain to affect the government at a federal level. Kentuckians, your voice will be heard. We need to overhaul our state and local governments with fellow citizens who hold Individual Liberty as their number 1 focus!

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