If the American Republic is to Survive and Flourish, Part 1

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Amen. Such simple principles were the basis for the Republic we claim to currently hold and defend. Yet even these most seemingly universal principles are currently not only under assault by existing governance, they are attacked as racist, hostile to the planet’s future, and ultimately unsustainable. Yet for most of us, these criticisms not only lack credibility, they are as fantastic and alien as claims that the sky is orange or that human values were programmed by a computer. Why the cognitive dissonance? What happened?

Sadly, the American republic today lies heavily wounded by the attacks of unnatural ideas and mass propaganda, corrupted by ignorance, evil, and fantasy. And for a chunk of the citizenry, all of this happened under our radar screen, a surprise clandestine trickery while we were busy enjoying ordinary life. Human nature is inherently weak, something acknowledged by all the written experiences since antiquity. These commentaries are almost a cliché, as they tend to be acknowledged to some degree by all sides of the political spectrum past and present. But this is a misleading, false impression, a deliberate disinformation exploited today in an age where information is so ubiquitous that falsehoods can be easily spread almost unnoticed, particularly if under the guise of mainstream “news.” The reality today is we have two dominant political parties – both flawed – but where one party expresses all the “normal” human failings of greed, submission to temptation, weakness of will, and lack of moral discernment (the Republican Party), the other party has severely devolved into fantasy, delusion, and moral decadence (the Democratic Party).

If you think this is mere hyperbole, you haven’t been paying attention to the fact that physical child mutilation has become an accepted norm in some US locations where, in the name of transgender (trans-humanist) ideology, children have undergone mutilative surgery to try to alter their innate biology. Thousands of years of agreed-to human history and moral tradition have acknowledged that children do not have the maturity to decide major life alterations on their own, yet today’s Democratic Party has abandoned reality in pursuit of policies and ideology promoting children to choose their own physical mutilation and/or other psychologically destructive lifestyle choices. The Democratic Party has for over two years now promoted the idea that cities can function without police; “defunding the police” was a rallying cry in the 2020 election cycle, whereby riots and looting were encouraged by Democrats as a form of social justice. This is just one example of the broader party’s embrace of fantasy and gaslighting as public policy. All to what end? We can only speculate, but since Democrats do not offer any credible explanation for the bizarre and irrational policies, we are necessarily forced to assume they either advocate fantasy as public policy or are aggressively engaged in disinformation as a form of psychological warfare. I ask again, all to what end? What would have been widely acknowledged as insane and evil a few short years ago has become almost mainstream. These are just a few of the painfully obvious elements of the debauchery of today’s Democratic Party. Therefore, we cannot go forward creating a newer and better Republican Party without first acknowledging the utter moral, physical, and intellectual degradation that has overtaken today’s Democratic Party.

Amidst the moral and intellectual bloodbath we find ourselves living within today, we have no choice but to re-evaluate all the governmental policies that affect our lives, mostly in adverse ways, because the typical governmental expenditures neither benefit us nor enrich our public lives in any substantial ways. When government itself is like a cancerous tumor that sucks our energy, efforts, and spirit away from life, family, and liberty, there can no longer be any sacred cows of public largesse. Political renewal is necessarily the result of and a harbinger of spiritual renewal. In Part 2, I will begin to discuss in more detail how we intend to rebuild state laws and policies to reflect our founding principles, and reverse and heal our current destructive direction.

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